Physical Examinations
- A physical exam is required for all new entrants.
- The school nurse or school secretary will render the Physical Examination form to the parents of new entrants during registration.
- The Physical Exam record should be completed and filed with the school nurse within one month of school entrance.
- The school nurse should be notified of any health conditions as soon as possible.
*It is important to have your child examined by their physician at least once during each developmental stage, at early childhood (preschool through grade three), pre-adolescence (grade four through six) and adolescence (grades seven through 12).
- Height, weight and blood pressure screening is done annually for each student in grades 5-8.
- Screening for visual acuity is conducted for students in grade 6 and grade 8.
- Screening for auditory acuity is conducted for students in grade 7.
- Scoliosis screenings are performed for students in grade 5 and grade 7. A student may be exempt from this examination if requested in writing by the parent or guardian.
*Referral letters are sent home when warranted.