• Search

Welcome to the BMS Library Media Center!

All BMS students and staff will soon be able to check out library books from the BMS Library Media Center. Book check out will be done using the hold system in the Destiny Online Catalog.    

BMS Library Resource Lists!
Just a reminder!

Be sure to check out the BMS Library's Book Resource Lists that are available through the library catalog! Check them out for great research topic materials and top book choices!

Click here for direct access to the resource lists!

Happy Researching and Reading!
Research Reminders
Looking for a periodical source for your research!? :)

Periodical: a publication issued at regular intervals, usually monthly or weekly

To find periodicals using the SHSD databases...
Log on to EBSCO Host

Try out the following databases, making sure to search for FULL TEXT articles only:
Middle Search Plus - Middle School Magazines
MAS Ultra - School Edition - HS Level Magazines
TOPICSearch - Newspapers
Newspaper Source Plus - Newspapers

Make sure to select FULL TEXT when you search, and remember to use proper keywords when searching!
Citation information for the articles can be found on the right hand side! Just click CITE and use the MLA citation format! :)

Take advantage of the folder option as well to gather your sources while you look!

Remember to always give credit when you are using someone else's words or ideas even if you paraphrase!

Plagiarism is defined as the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work, as by not crediting the author.